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the chapter house is temporarily virtual. all member services are available by emailing aianova@www.jhjonessales.com.

job board
current listings:

little diversified architectural consulting inc. - studio principal, retail
fairfax county government - engineer iii
little diversified architectural consulting inc. - project architect, retail


job posting on website

free for aia nova members
$99 each for non-members

job posting on website plus feature in e-publications

$75 for aia nova members
$149 for non-members (includes web listing and e-pub feature)

to post an entry on this job board, complete and submit the job description form. when completed, please email jobs@aianova.org to let us know of your submission so we can review and activate your job board posting. entries are active for 30 days, but please email if a position has been filled prior to the end of that time so we can remove it from the active listings.

consider further highlighting your open position in our next e-blast, either connect or update, distributed to chapter members and friends, by emailing us the name of the firm/company and the job to be featured. highlighted job postings in each e-blast are limited in number. payment is required before an entry will be posted. in keeping with virginia law, please note the term "architect" can only be used in your entry to describe a licensed architect.

2022世界杯附加赛预测 chapter members (including architect, associate, unassigned, allied professional, and sponsor members) may post entries free of charge as a benefit of 2022世界杯赛程对阵表 . non-members are billed at a rate of $99 for each entry. payment is required before an entry can be posted.

make payments with paypal - it's fast, free and secure!
click below to pay online; no paypal account needed to pay by credit card.

the chapter maintains a resume bank for those seeking positions. if you wish to include your resume in the resume bank, please send it as a pdf to jobs@aianova.org.

if you are hiring and wish to see resumes from the resume bank, email your request to jobs@aianova.org and tell us what experience level you require, i.e. student, 0-4 years, 5-10 or 11+, and we will email you appropriate resumes. since the chapter house is located adjacent to virginia tech's washington alexandria architecture center, we frequently receive student inquiries about part-time work and summer internships. so please let us know if you can offer student employment opportunities.

another source for both employers and job-seekers is the national aia career center.

by posting on the 2022世界杯附加赛预测 job board, you agree to the terms and conditions of its use.