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the chapter house is temporarily virtual. all member services are available by emailing aianova@www.jhjonessales.com.

2022世界杯附加赛预测 news is published six times a year and is sent to over 1,200 architects, interns and allied professionals in the design and construction industry. the newsletter is distributed in both printed and digital formats and is available on the chapter's website.

the newsletter offers advertisements is various sizes, from an 1/8 page to a full-page ads, as well as classified ads.

the deadlines to submit advertisements for each issue are: click here to see the newsletter rate sheet. 2022世界杯附加赛预测 members, partners and allied professional members are offered a discounted advertising rate.

technical specifications for advertisments placed in 2022世界杯附加赛预测 news can be found on the advertising rate sheet.

payments and correspondence should be sent to:
1101 duke street
alexandria, va 22314

(703) 549-9747 [voice]
(703) 549-9783 [fax]


questions and inquiries should be sent to jody cranford at (800) 818-0289 or jody@www.jhjonessales.com. thank you for advertising in 2022世界杯附加赛预测 news.